Monday, July 9, 2007

No, this is what advice is, "never bring your purple belt to work beacuse someone might steeeal it."

So there is a cow getting molested behind our dorms. It’s what wakes us up in the morning. Well, that and the Celine Dion that is blasting from some loud speaker. I forgot to mention that in my last post. I’m itchy. Perhaps the internet isn’t the best place to air my medical concerns. Being here, you learn to appreciate the “likkle” things, like cold showers (the best part of my day) and breezes. A slight breeze is the difference between comfort and misery. Today we got rain for the first time. Apparently Kingston doesn’t get too much rain. It only lasted a few minutes but it felt heavenly. We met a guy with a flat screen who gets football games, we are hoping he also gets college basketball and baseball games. I don’t miss TV at all, but it would be a travesty to miss another march madness. We eat a lot of chicken. Fried chicken, BBQ chicken, sweet and sour chicken, curry chicken. I wish we could eat the cow behind our dorms. For fast food here we have pattis. I didn't spell that incorrectly, by the way. Pattis are these fried flaky things with chicken, beef, lobster, shrimp, or veggies inside. Kind of like hot pockets. They are arait. Also not a misspelling. I am struggling to learn Patwa. Mostly it is an oral language and I am becoming frustrated at my inability to spell it. I meant to bring some to post. See what ya'll can make of it. I forgot though. Lata perhaps. So not only did we arrive in the midst of hurricane season, it is also election time!! Sista P (the Prime Minister) is supposed to call elections sometime in the next few months. The place we are in now is a fairly volatile political area, so we can't wear the colors of either major political party around town. These colors include red, yellow, GREEN, and orange. Yeah, I am so screwed. We are all hoping that elections will be called soon so that we can quit wearing only blue and white. I also forgot our address, but I will kindly ask Patrick if he would like to post something later this week and perhaps include our address, or we may email it. Things I would enjoy having sent include, more Bullfrog (sunscreen), dressy slippers (this means flip flops that are leather or just nicer than the $3 Old Navy ones, although I wouldn't mind a pair of those either, I can't believe I didn't bring any!!!). That's really all for now. We miss you!!


Unknown said...

What size shoe?