Thursday, May 24, 2007

I just hope I don't run into Dwight on his connecting flight to Mordor

Today, after months of incredibly impatient waiting, Patrick and I learned that we are serving in Jamaica! Once I heard the news, I immediately thought of all the important things that we have only a few short weeks to complete. Out of all those things, I decided that the most pressing was setting up a blog. Prudent, I know. And I'm the practical one! Anyway... Jamaica came as a surprise for both of us. We knew that we would be doing HIV/AIDS education and support, and most of the positions in Jamaica involve environment conservation. Did not expect to be sent there. There was some disappointment expressed due to the fact that Jamaica's official language is English. The disappointment vanished quickly when some googling revealed that it will probably be far removed from any English we have heard. On a side note, I want to clearly state that I have no intention of monitoring my verb tenses and fully intend on using all forms indiscriminately. My apologies if this irks you. So we're both excited. You can't really tell that I am, but that's not unusual. When we first found out, Patrick was going nuts and trying to find out everything he could, while my reaction was to discover that I was ravenous. We went to Chipotle and I felt better. It was on the way there that he decided it would be cute to say, "Jamaican me crazy." It was not. Nor was it cute when he repeated it 2o minutes later. These next few weeks are going to be even more difficult if he doesn't stop. We're going to Jamaica. We have about four weeks to get ready. They are making me dress up when all I wanted was to run through the jungle in cargo shorts. I guess I'll have to do that in my free time.