Monday, September 10, 2007

I swore to myself if I ever got to walk around the room as manager, people would laugh as they saw me coming, and they'd applaud as I walked away.

Hokay, so… The first picture is of Joe, Tiff-Tiff, Ryan, Matt, and of course Erin and me (from left to right). This was taken before a fun night of ‘bleaching,’ a term used to describe partying in Jamaica. Jamaicans party late, and when I say late I would be vastly more accurate in saying very early. One does not really go to a party/club/etc. until 11 o’clock (late) at the earliest and the party does not get hoppin’ until 1 or 2 (early) and it will last until 4,5 or 6 o’clock (also early by most standards). Partying that late (or early??!#$... I’m confused) then forces one to sleep all day and never see the sun, leading to a lack of a good tan, hence ‘bleaching.’ And for those of you that think our PC adventure-o-fun is nothing more than an extension of our college experience (you know who you are Jill Smith, though you are probably not isolated in this assumption based on stories and pictures), we merely engage in acts such as ‘bleaching’ in an effort to thrust ourselves into Jamaican culture thereby assimilating rapidly to assume our rightful status as Ja-mericans. Picture two is later that morning. Picture three is what you might see if you walked out of our driveway and immediately turned 90 degrees to your right. The ocean is in the background about 300 yds away. Picture four is Ryan and me bobsledding. I know most of you know that the Disney Corporation made a wonderfully touching movie about the heroic story of some non-stereotypical Jamaicans that became Olympian bobsledders and here there is a restaurant to commemorate the cinematic magnum opus. I am sure we will take all of you who come to visit to the Bobsled Café because it actually has pretty good pizza and decent veggie burgers. The final picture is of our beach that happened to be captured on a day that was very windy and thus the water is cloudy and not all that pretty. My apologies.

The more I ruminate about the ‘extension of our college experience’ section of my post, I feel it necessary to offer you this nugget of wisdom… Less than 1% of the world’s population has been enrolled in university level education. I am fortunate enough to have a college degree and to have acquired a wealth of knowledge during my career at Mizzou. This in mind, I experience obligatory urges to share the gift of a college experience with those not providential to have had one of their own. This develops mostly in the form of imparting practical knowledge and skills to others, but every now and again in the form of dancing as a result of the ingestion of alcohol.

Thank you if you take the time to read our blog. If you can spare uno momento to leave a comment, please do as we would love to hear from you. Even if you can only spare the time to leave a comment such as, “I read your blog. Love Bernard” it lets us know people read our entries and makes us feel loved. Hope all is well for you.



kcbookworm said...

Great pics! Thanks for getting them out there for us to enjoy!

kcbookworm said...

Oh wait! I see a cleanly shaved face on Patricio...could it it so...did you shave the fu man chu?

Erin said...

Patrick- I read your blog. I love you-Bernard

Jill said...

I too read your blog. Love the pictures. Glad you've lost the facial hair. Much regards,

Samantha said...

Hey guys! I definitely read your blog posts. I love knowing what you're up to, and I often need breaks from my exhilarating math homework, grading, planning, endless work, etc. Patrick, you look much better without the facial hair. And about your "extended college expreience," I've told you both I think it's admirable you're each willing to give 2+ years of your life to such a service organization. There's always time for more school. And who's to say "conventional" is the way to go. From someone going down the so-called conventional path, it's miserable sometimes, as in most days lately. So keep having fun!
Love you, miss you,

Unknown said...

JoJo and I read your blog and can't wait for the new season of the office, so there are new quotes to use.

mufonix said...

I read your blog. Love Bernard

Ok... so Erin already did it, but i am recycling it.

Love, Matt.

grand ma and grandpa smith said...

Dear Erin and Patrick: We love your blogs. We are sending a package today. Let us know if they are items you can use. Love You... Grandma and Grandpa Smith

Aunt K said...

I sent a package to you guys on Tuesday of this week. I would love to know how long it takes to get to you. I hope the contents are useful and fun for you! Oh yeah, I love you. Bernard

Jaci said...

I read your blog and love it :)

Nancy said...

Patrick and Erin,
I check your blog every time I look at my e-mail. I am always excited when I see that you have added a page. Love and best wishes. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Awwww...Patricio is homesick! Are you missing all of us?? You are loved and missed and celebrated...almost as much as you love and miss and celebrate... (I tried to insert "bleache(d)" in place of celebrate(d) but it didn't have the same ring...) Love, your smart&*% sister.