Monday, June 23, 2008

Cool! Bouncy house!

Today was our first day volunteering at our secondary project, the Montego Bay Marine Park. The marine park was the first national park in Jamaica and has a ton of various projects that need revamping. The cool thing is our supervisor is really excited to let us run wild and pick the projects that best utilize our skills/interests. I am excited as the work is a bit more along the lines of development work and more what I expected to be doing when I joined PC. I love what I do at my orphanage, but the energy investment is in the 105 children and not really in expanding capacity of the organization, as one would expect in development organizations. This way we get the best of both worlds.

To Do List:
1) Mold 105 positive world citizens that can hopefully read better than they could ante-Patricio
2) Save the aquatic environment in the Montego Bay area or at least get a good start
3) Become guitar virtuoso—Eddie VanHalen, Clapton, Kenny Wayne Shepherd watch yourselves!
4) Cook dinner for Erin—Tonight may be leftover stir fry but tomorrow’s tacos with my revamped tortilla recipe will dominate
So my list may be a bit over the top, but after getting roughed up last week I have found a bit of peace and renewed energy and am ready to conquer the world again. Things are looking up. Hell, even the Royals have won 8 out of their last 10 games.

I am very excited about the new volunteers coming to Jamaica soon. I am excited to feed off of their energy, their desire to make Jamaica and the world a better place.

Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things that renew humanity. --The Buddha

I’m doing my best Chubby.


kcbookworm said...
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Jesse E. Hunter said...

Sounds like you've caught your second wind. Good to read! See you o' so soon.

Velda said...

Erin and Patrick--just wanted to say HI and I am thinking about you. I enjoy the blog. The new job sounds interesting. Wow--saving the ecology of an island AND teaching children. You two really are out to change the world! One thing Jamaican kids have in common with KCMO kids--they all have little patience for a slow computer. I would say it's the age but I just had to restart mine... Love to you both-Velda