Friday, March 7, 2008


There is a small child that lives with his family in the apartment above us. He is probably 3-4 years old and has an abundance of energy. Every morning, without fail, the thumping of his little feet running laps around his house awakens me. This usually happens around 5 o’clock, which amazes me because you hear the thud, thud, thud all day long until late at night. How does this kid run on 3 hours of sleep? How does Baby Huey make the thunderous floor pounding so loud? Does he quadruple in size when he crosses the threshold of his home because he is only like 35 inches tall and 35 pounds? Trying to figure out the physics of the huge decibels this track star in training produces, hurts my head. The only thing I can figure is he times his steps perfectly to sync with the previous vibrations and makes use of resonance and amplification… like when a moderate breeze destroys a bridge. For real people, google “resonance AND bridge.” Seriously, go do it. The video is pretty crazy.

Anyway the kid makes a ton of noise. A few days ago, Erin and I think that his parents locked him out on the porch. We feel pretty sure of our assumption as he wailed his little heart out and rattled the iron door grill creating a cacophony that eclipsed his floor thuds. This morning however he has resorted to vociferously hollering while running his requisite house laps. Oi, Ich habe Schmerz in meinen Kopf!

Sorry again for not posting in a while. My battle with Fail and Worthless continues and it seems as though I only deserve to have Internet connection two days every other week.

Erin and I are fanatically excited about our visit home. I can almost smell the wonderful BBQ and taste delicious pale ale. Oh most palatable treats of KC, I can hardly wait to imbibe upon your treasured delights! I am also excited to see family and friends. If any of you can’t wait to see us any longer than you have to, you are more than welcome to meet us at the airport or at Chipotle shortly thereafter.

Maybe Erin will post more when she gets around to writing a blog. I just wanted to post so everybody knows we are still alive.

If the oceans were whiskey and I were a duck, I’d run to the oceans and drink them all up…Patrick Mazi

ps Jesse~ Emailing questions will probably yield you more insightful answers as we are somewhat forced by Peace Corps to self-censure what goes on our blog. So if you want more detailed answers or have more personal questions, feel free to email me at Plus when you, or any other group 79er, know they are coming to Jamaica, email me about what we wish we would have packed. Who knows… if you want Erin and I could probably talk to our friends and post some sort of packing list a la the Tight Pants blog (as it helped us quite a bit, but is starting to get outdated).

pps Scott~ I am at best a very enthusiastic amateur rock climber. I spent a lot of time during my junior/senior year of college climbing. But alas climbing in Missouri is limited to mostly limestone thus my experience is fairly limited. I have gazed longingly at many exposed rock faces and wished I had brought my climbing gear (and more importantly wished I had someone to climb with). Getting to these areas would be a chinch, but getting home would be a problem unless a taxi was chartered. This doesn’t really make sense for me alone, but if you, or other climbers, end in Jamaica I would probably get exponentially more excited about making the effort.


Jesse E. Hunter said...

Oh man--Tight Pants II would be amazing! Have fun on the trip home. If you come through Nashville, give us a holler.

mufonix said...

What dates are you guys gone? I feel like I haven't seen you in a month. Oh wait...

Scott said...

I second jesse on the tight pants #2, it was helpful, but they were limited to around 80 pounds each, I think we get 100 lbs + 35 for carry on.

I'll also shoot you an email about all the other questions I have.

Unknown said...

Hello! My husband & I are leaving for Jamaica in July as well! We would love a tight pants II. Scott, I thought we were limited to 80 pounds as well? What do you know?

Scott said...

I was going off of the airline baggage allowances, which are not as strict as the Peace Corps allowance. Hopefully my wife and I will be under 160 lbs.