Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I need to give you your Christmas gift now, because um...well I'll just tell you. The past few months I've been sending Dwight letters from the CIA.

Santa came to Jamaica today. He arrive a little earI can’t describe to you how wonderful it was! We had no less than 7 packages from home. Crazy, right? It makes us feel so cared for and loved. So this whole blog is a gigantic thank you to any and all who send us things, or shoot us the occasional email, or take the time to leave comments on the ol’ blog, or make ridiculously expensive phone calls. All of those things go a long way towards brightening our lives here. It gives us a taste of home and reminds us of the friends and family we miss on a daily basis. Things are a little crazy in our nook of JamRock at the moment. We’re looking to strike out on our own, and it’s more difficult to find a place than we anticipated. So Christmas in October came just in time. I now have enough chocolate to revive myself each evening after human jungle gym time. Even though this is Patrick's account, this is actually Erin.