Sunday, January 27, 2008

Question. What kind of bear is best?... False. Black Bear

Despite my track record of delicious culinary concoctions, I totally biffed on the funnel cakes that Erin and I attempted tonight. The deck was significantly stacked against us; our pans have horrible hot spots, the stovetop heats unevenly (not to mention it shocks the crap out of you if your feet aren’t insulated), not enough oil to fry in, and the mysterious ‘extra Jamaican liquid.’ What is this mysterious extra liquid? Well it seems that every recipe I make seems to contain too much liquid, even recipes I have been making for years. For example even when following pancake batter recipes to perfection they always require almost ¾ of a cup additional flour to attain the correct consistency. You may be saying that I may not be paying attention to my measurements or have lost my edge. But I say nay. Some inexplicable phenomenon is hell bent on foiling my food production. The most logical explanation, taking into account my recent Jamaican assimilation, is that a family of recipe spoiling ‘duppies’ (aka ghosts) are conspiring against me. Other possibilities to this ugly problem are; our proximity to the Bermuda Triangle, an unexplained weather anomaly, or Erin is a double agent (the prospect of a subversive, rabid KU-fan alliance partner unnerves me a bit). If I ever catch any of those damn duppies in my kitchen, they will lament they day they only half died.

***Warning: Actual Job Updates***
I am sure many of you have read Erin’s adventure at the kindergarten, despite your lack of blog comments. Anyhow we reached a compromise with our supervisor and starting this week, in addition to our after school activities, I will be teaching Spanish to 4-5 year olds. While I do this Erin will attempt to do some reading activities with some of the struggling kids. I am envisioning teaching simple concepts like colors, days of the week, and months of the year. Hopefully I may even get to simple sentences, “hello, how are you,” type of thing. I envision this being supertastically difficult as most of the kids don’t know colors, days of the week, and months of the year in English. Keep your fingers crossed.

Speaking of not writing blog comments… I have come to the conclusion that those of you who do not leave comments are bored with our blog. Thus I have decided to incite furious rages and write the first of my incendiary blog passages... The following passage from the bible has been brought to my attention numerous times, most recently this weekend, and I feel compelled to share it with you. The passage is from 2 Kings 2:23-24 (I used the New International Version). It goes as follows:

23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said. "Go on up, you baldhead!" 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.

Really? Bears? WWJD? Would the big guy in the sky really endorse this? Please discuss.

---Patricio Sans Frontieres---

p.s. Man has never been to the moon… the video was a Hollywood fakery.
p.p.s. The Great Pyramids of Giza were built by aliens, aka the Greys, aka extraterrestrials, aka the Vulcans, aka 13 of our ex-presidents (Nixon, Garfield, Tyler, et. al. were most definitely not from Earth)


kcbookworm said...

With your Spanish kiddos, try Simon Says with them. They will love it...touch your head, touch your knees, etc. Gets them up and moving while learning their new vocab.

BTW, some of US do write a shout out on your props to us, okay?

Love you both and can't wait for 46 more days until you are back in Kansas City!

Anonymous said...

I won't leave comments if you piss me off. so watch it. ;)

Erin said...

I may be a Russian spy who supports KU athletics, but I do not mess with your cooking. That is the duppies. I have the same problem. I do think that mauling children (as much as one may want to) is wrong and that perhaps God overreacted by granting Elisha's plea. However, I don't think that poking fun at religion is the best way to get blog comments.

Jill said...

I too leave comments. However, I noticed I was the ONLY one leaving them. It only reinforced what many believe about me---that I have an opinion about everything. (And you know what they say about opinions.) While Erin might be a KU fan, I seriously doubt her subversity (is that a word?) It's gotta be the duppies or altitude??? I'm glad to hear you've got additional jobs. Perhaps you can keep busy and not incite religious riots.

Patrick said...

I apologize to those of you that feel alienated by my most recent blog. I am not trying to slight those of you who believe in the bible literally. I was only trying to incite a discussion of the Linda Richmond 'Coffee Talk' variety (old SNL people...come on!) only with a bit more bite. Also I am surprised everybody only mentioned the bible verse. What, everybody's cool with fake lunar landings and extraterrestrial presidents? But please notice that 4 of the most important women in my life wasted little time in adding their comments. You guys rock! Plus I feel loved.

Ryanizzle said...

Tiffanie ville skrive en kommentar på kinesisk fordi hun visste at du ikke hadde problemer med en sykkel slik du ville ikke vite Kineser. ..but at jeg ville postere i dette språket fordi dets nært til tysk. ...good blogg. håper at du faor mye kommentarer.

... how about norwegian??

Velda said...

I am so happy Laura has some advice about how to entertain the children when you are teaching. I think telling them to sit down and be quiet should be sufficient but then, little kids creep me out--

I read the Bible verse posting and I assigned my Sunday school class to pray for you. They kind of pray like they talk to Santa so if you are lucky Patrick, they have prayed for you to get whatever you want. You should see BLVD beer raining right over your house by Sunday night.

I think Nixon was an alien and I believe a couple of our current candidates probably hatched from a Pod. Did I cover everything? I love reading the Blog and I tell everyone to read it! love to you both--Velda

Scott said...

I too have to add more flour to my baked dishes. My bread that calls for 6 cups can take up to 9 here in Jamaica to get the right consistency.